Thursday, September 20, 2018


Friends, if you do not want to know who the investor is, and how many types are there, then you are in the right place, because today we will tell all the people in this post that the investor who speaks what role of the investor in a startup And how many types of Investor are predominantly.



Investor –

Friends, if you have a startup idea with yourself and you want to start your business, and if you do not have enough money to fulfill that startup or the company's basic need, then in that case you Investigate what you can invest some money at the beginning of your startup and the basic need of your startup can be fulfilled, and in exchange for the person who has invested you in the company or startup, share it with your company. Let's say that the person investing is called Investor

Investor is mainly of two types-

1 Angel Investor -

Investor means you have understood that Angel Investors are those people who are already succesfull in any startup. They have a lot of experience related to business, as well as they have lots of contacts, and these investors are your business Do not just invest in money, but also give advice on how to further your business and share your experience and in return you would have to give them some share of your company is


     2 Venture Capitalists or VC – 

      Friends Venture Capitalists or (vc) is a complete company. This is not a lone person, venture capitalists is a company that takes small money from small investors and people to start investing in any startup. They have a lot of money and then they invest all these money together in a startup and instead they get some shares from that startup
      Thus Angel Investor can be a lonely person while Venture Capitalists is the whole team of a whole

Angel Investor also invests in the beginning of your startup, but Venture Capitalists only invest in your startup when your  profit starts showing   

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